Wednesday 20 August 2008

An Inspirational Non-Fiction Classic - The Monk who Sold his Ferrari

I love books with intriguing titles and this one certainly has one - The Monk who Sold his Ferrari. It's by Robin S. Sharma and it's subtitled 'A Spiritual Fable about Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny'.

It's ideal reading for anyone who feels oppressed by the relentless demands of the rat race but hasn't yet figured out how they can stop being a rat. It tells the tale of a hard-nosed, driven trial lawyer who has a health crisis and goes off to find himself and recreate his life by studying the traditions of the East.

It's a fascinating, thought-provoking, and inspiring book, which packs a lot of wisdom into a charming and captivating story. If you feel jaded with life and resent the fact that it is passing you by, this is definitely the book you need to read to set yourself on a more positive track.

Even if you don't have a Ferrari to sell, it will help you to identify what is really important in your life and how you can work out a balance for yourself which will help you find enlightenment, health and true satisfaction.

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