Monday, 1 September 2008

Word Games for Everyday Life

I was driving along the other day with my family when we spotted a driving school car which had the school's name on the top of the vehicle. It was 'Pass with Pete'.

'It's a good job he wasn't called Fred,' said my husband, 'or else the driving school might have been "Fail with Fred"'.

At this point we all came up with more and more outrageous names for a driving school based on people's names. We got as far as 'Carnage with Colin' and 'Massacre with Miranda.' It's amazing what you can do with alliterations!

We all had a good laugh anyway, so it brightened up what might have been a rather routine journey home.

When you're driving or walking around this week, see if you can spot any signs with alliterations like 'Pass with Pete' and set yourself the challenge of coming up with some unorthodox variations. You never know, the game might even spark off some ideas for a short story.

Have fun!

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