Saturday, 21 June 2008

My New Publishing Opportunity

I've got a new business venture today. I've just started submitting writing to a company called Triond which publishes people's work on internet sites. So far I've submitted two 'how to' articles and a poem, so I'll have to see how they get on and how much money they make me.

The exciting bit is that you can log on whenever you want and see how much your writing is earning. That's better then having to wait for twice-yearly royalty statements.

I've got another article almost ready to submit, but I just need to find one of my sixty-word short stories to include as an example. I'm sure I saw copies of them all in a folder recently, but can I find them when I need them? It's so frustrating!

I've been all through my computer files too and I can't find them there either. I hope they turn up soon or else I shall have to write another example.

But meanwhile, I'm off to the University this afternoon for a creative writing workshop. It's being run by a guest writer called Char March. She has given us some interesting work to do beforehand and has said she is going to work us all very hard.

I'll let you know how it goes when I speak to you next - and also whether I found my stories.

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